<aside> 📌 Welcome to your Academic Comeback ✨

This dashboard was created to be your centralized hub for managing your academic life and making the comeback you know you deserve. This comprehensive dashboard brings together essential tools and resources to help you stay organized, informed, and productive so that you can unleash the academic potential you know you’ve got.

<aside> 🎓 Degree: BSc. in Computer Science


<aside> 💯 Current CGPA:


<aside> 💡 Matric No:



<aside> 📚 To add a new course, just tap on the "+New" button, then select the "Individual Course Template" to apply the pre-designed template. Fill in the necessary details, and you're all set!


My Courses

Get sh*t done

<aside> ✏️ Write down your tasks for the day. Click the button to add a new task.




TIme Course Code
10:00 - 12:00pm CSC 326
12:00 - 2:00pm CSC 327


TIme Course Code
10:00 - 12:00pm CSC 326
12:00 - 2:00pm CSC 327


TIme Course Code
10:00 - 12:00pm CSC 326
12:00 - 2:00pm CSC 327


TIme Course Code
10:00 - 12:00pm CSC 326
12:00 - 2:00pm CSC 327


TIme Course Code
10:00 - 12:00pm CSC 326
12:00 - 2:00pm CSC 327

domain expansion (1).png

Tasks & Deadlines

<aside> ✅ To include a new task, just tap the "+New" button and enter the required information. This section offers four different views: "All tasks" (to see all tasks), "Due this week" (to view tasks due this week), "Status" (to check task statuses), and "Calendar" (to see tasks in calendar mode).


School Deadlines

Study With . . .

<aside> 📗 Include additional study resources like videos, articles, and websites that could enrich your learning experience and improve your academic prowess.



Study Vibes

<aside> 🎵 Enhance your learning environment with the power of music by embedding your Spotify study playlist here:

